Reducing Risk Taking Behaviors in Teenagers

Parenting is an honorable and sometimes difficult duty. As parents, we have the awesome responsibility of raising our children to become loving and successful individuals. This includes guiding our teenagers away from risky behaviors. When it comes to risky behaviors during adolescence, there are three common risk behaviors that parents worry most about. These include …

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Tips for Improving Communication With Your Teen

Many parents find it difficult to establish and maintain open communication with their child during the adolescent years. In many ways, this is perfectly normal and to be expected. Adolescence is a developmental stage that is often accompanied by an increase in tension and strain in the parent-child relationship. As a normal aspect of adolescent …

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Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence awareness month!  It is our privilege to bring awareness to this important cause! Please Join The Center for Collaborative Counseling and Psychology in spreading the awareness of this toxic and sometimes severe situation. What is it you might ask? Most people relate Domestic Violence with just a physical attack or those …

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Tips for Helping Children Self-Regulate

When it comes to difficult behaviors in young children, anger and aggression can be especially challenging. These behaviors have incredibly powerful effects on both children and adults and can be some of the most frustrating and disruptive events you encounter at home or at school. Anger includes thoughts and feelings, which can lead to aggressive …

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Improving Your Attention in the Present Moment

Of all the things that can draw our attention, we pay relatively little attention to the now. Rather, our attention is directed towards the past or the future. As we are taking a shower in the morning, we rarely pay attention to showering itself and the sensations that it entails. Instead, we are focusing on …

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Finding Strength and Purpose

My clients are some of the strongest and bravest people I know. Everyday in my office I have the privilege of witnessing people step up and move in the direction of what they care about most. And what is most inspiring is watching people do this in the presence of painful thoughts, feelings or memories. …

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What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is defined as “the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment” (Kabat-Zinn, 2003 p. 145). In other words, mindfulness involves directing attention to the experience in the present moment and a non-evaluative observation of that experience. Research has consistently …

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Treating ADHD with Medication

When to consider medication for ADHD? It is a frequent question asked by many parents, teachers and therapists; how do I help my child with ADHD? It is a legitimate question. The presentation can be the classic hyperactive, impulsive, inattentive child or just the inattentive child who gets lost in class and is disorganized. Parents …

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Mental Health First Aid

The Center for Collaborative Counseling and Psychiatry is honored to support this important cause.  Please join We Support Mental Health on Facebook to become involved in local efforts to raise awareness of mental health.  For more information on Mental Health First Aid or where to find a class near you, please visit…/take-…/find-a-course/ The difference between …

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Mental Health Awareness Month

Did you know that approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. experiences mental illness in a given year? Of these 50 million people, over half do not seek treatment. The top reason these individuals refuse help, according to a World Health Organization survey, is because of “fear and shame.” This May serves as Mental …

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Suicide Training and Awareness

Suicide Prevention Services will be hosting an ASSIST training on June 10th and 11th in Elgin. It is open to anyone over the age of 16 who is interested in learning how to help when someone is at immediate risk for suicide.

ADHD – Helpful Tips for Parents

Helpful Tips for Parents of a Child with ADHD Parenting a child with attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be a significant challenge. However, it doesn’t mean that family life has to be frustrating or unrewarding. There are many things you can do to decrease the impact of your child’s ADHD. …

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